Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels
Cattaraugus County Department of the Aging Looking for Volunteers
Every year, the Dept. of Aging hosts a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to honor and recognize the programs volunteers. You, too, can help!
Tax season is coming. No surprise there. What might be surprising is that opportunities exist for retired individuals, or those looking for something to do to occupy their minds or stay busy to become part of the AARP team that assists in tax preparation. Alternately, as an RSVP volunteer (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) you may also choose from a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. Here are only a small portion of places where the many volunteers serve in Cattaraugus County: SPCA; American Red Cross; HomeCare and Hospice; Senior Wellness & Nutrition Program - Dining Centers and Meals on Wheels deliveries. RSVP members lend helping hands and hearts at food pantries, adult day care centers, Rehab Center, Genesis House, Interfaith Caregivers, Salamanca Youth Bureau, and Salvation Army. They drive the County veteran’s van, keep the I-86 rest stop stocked and clean, and you can find RSVP volunteers at the Pines (Machias and Olean), Olean General Hospital and the Olean Library.
Then you have the National Senior Service Corps which place older volunteers in assignments throughout their communities. This is actually the main umbrella for the RSVP program. (Obviously from what you see listed above, it is a “one stop shopping”for senior volunteers.) Another is the Foster Grandparent Program, linking seniors to children who need their help. And the Senior Companion Program, which places volunteers with adults needing extra help to live in the community, i.e. frail, elderly persons.
Presently, according to Ellen Say Herner, Cattaraugus County Aging Department RSVP Director, there are 374 registered Department of Aging volunteers in Cattaraugus County. The County could use 450. Say Herner tells us that the greatest need for volunteers presently is for people willing to deliver meals to the homes of the 700 persons they presently serve. Most are seen once per weekday. Those more rural and inaccessible will receive a weekly delivery of meals which are freshly prepared in the Department of Aging kitchens and flash frozen. One of the extra advantages to the recipient is the one-on-one contact, however brief, where the well-being of the individual can be assessed by the volunteer. Even the weekly recipients can plan on that weekly visit and a brief socialization, which can mean a great deal to them.
From January 2022 to December 2022, the Department of Aging has registered 23,736 volunteer hours. Translated into cash savings to the county, Say Herner calculated that $710,893.00 has been saved in just one year by those selfless volunteers. Imagine the millions saved over the course of the years.
Here’s what’s really neat about volunteering: RSVP offers flexibility and choice. It matches personal interests and skills to opportunities to help solve community problems. You can serve two or forty hours, your choice. “RSVP volunteers provide hundreds of community services. They tutor children in reading and math, help build houses, help get children immunized, model parenting skills to teen parents, participate in neighborhood watch programs, deliver meals, plan community gardens, offer disaster relief to victims of natural disasters, work with animals, work at homeless shelters and hospitals and help community organizations operate more efficiently.”
This writer had to ask… “why do people do it?” Say Herner replied: “Helping their community. Making a difference. Giving back. Adding quality to life, better health, new friendships, staying active and involved. Learning new skills.”
Bonus: mileage is covered and some of the programs offer insurance and modest stipends to help offset the volunteering costs. Presently, volunteers range in age from their 20’s (a different program than the RSVP program) to their oldest volunteer who is 100. There is room to volunteer for anyone wishing to open their heart, lend a helping hand, and add quality to their own lives by increasing the quality of others.
If you are interested in volunteering or learning about other ways you can help, call 716-373-8032.