Change is Certainly Afoot… Are You Ready?
Change is Certainly Afoot… Are You Ready?
Suzy’s Star Reading for the Month Predict Great Changes and Showcase Pisces Energy
Speaking of feet, that is the body part that Pisces represents. Happy birthday beautiful, artistic and dreamy Pisces people! This month, two huge changes take place…
We are all scarred by the experience of the world shutting down in March 2020. What happened astrologically? Saturn the planet of restrictions, rules and limitations went into Aquarius, the sign of freedom, the rebel, independence and community. Get it? Our freedom was shut down.
That same planet, Saturn, is moving into Pisces, the sign of spirit, religion, compassion but also secret enemies. How does that translate? I would expect new mandates, rules and structure around religions, around alternative medicine practitioners, a seizing or paralyzing of certain religious or ritualistic practices, further, deeper exposure of corruption especially in religions and in pharmaceuticals (medicines and anything to induce altered states are also ruled by this energy), and the need to completely renovate church as we have known it.
Crimes against children committed by spiritual leaders, teachers and those in authority over decades, after the victims have been hushed, humiliated and disregarded, has finally become aired. The accused have finally had to become accountable. That’s a personal one for me, the leader of the Catholic school my own children went to is on the public list of pedophiles. This will come to a peak and there will be new systems in place around who is placed in a place of authority with the vulnerable.
Earth’s waters will be a concern, as Pisces is ruled by Neptune, Poseidon, God of the Seas. Saturn may want to box off and own parts of our waters, and/or place limitations and restrictions on water or access to water. There may be a water crisis.
If that wasn’t enough, the most powerful planet, Pluto, rules the underworld and is also changing signs in March. Pluto will reveal the raw truth. It’s great if you are living a sincere lifestyle, but not so much if you are living in a destructive way, harming yourself or others.
There is far more information then I have room for in this article so I will pull it apart and discuss each month going forward what those energies specifically are.
The most beautiful thing about Pisces energy is that it’s the last sign of the zodiac - it represents inner wisdom. It does not need to entangle in war like energies because it vibrates higher, it is the sign of compassion, one-ness, our spiritual truth. The low road is addictions, medications, escapism. Unfortunately, we will be seeing a sharp increase in mental illness and the demand for truth is what the remedy is.
What is that truth? It actually came to me in a dream this morning - it is recognizing that you are not separate from the Great Source/God/Creator. Once you become aware that you have the power within you to outshine any darkness coming at you, you start to realize your own strength. And, there is strength in numbers. That is the whole thing around ‘ascension’ - it is a realization that we are all one; nothing separates us except what we have been told to believe. You have the choice to accept you are creator energy and are made of the same stuff as the trees, the animals, the oceans and the stars, and are infinite… or you can choose to believe you have no purpose. The choice is always yours. Think of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, extremely symbolic on so many levels. Oz is the narrative. Dorothy is you. She didn’t need the red slippers. In modern times, it morphed into the red pill. You always have the choice.
How best to ride this wave is to remind yourself often that you are love, you matter, you are infinite and you are powerful. Hold your hands to your heart and rest your eyes closed. Remain there for a good minute or two, just in silence. Feel the beat of your own heart. Notice what comes into your mind, your body, your awareness.
If you would like help realizing your purpose or getting unstuck, I invite you to see me for a healing or consultation session. My specialties are self-esteem confidence, trauma, anxiety/depression and PTSD.
See you next month my friends.
Rev. Suzy Woo, B.Msc, is a Spiritual Healer, Astrologer, and Psychic Medium specializing in Energy, Sound, Light and Crystal Healing. Suzy is the owner of Good for the Spirit Gifts, 11 Martha St., Ellicottville, NY. Follow her on IG/FB, find her at or call 716-699-2871.